

家族基金設立各階段所需文件 Document Requirements at each stage

文件列表(前期) Cument List pre-Fund setup:

  1. Certificate of incorporation 註冊成立證書 
  2. Memorandum and Articles of Association 公司組織章程大綱及章程細則
  3. Register of Directors 董事登記冊
  4. Register of Members 股東登記冊
  5. Strategy brief description 投資策略簡要說明
  6. Investor profile brief description 投資人簡要描述
  7. ID Proof of all directors 所有董事之身分證明
  8. ID Proof of all shareholders 所有股東之身分證明
  9. Address proof of all directors 所有董事之住址證明
  10. Address proof of all shareholders 所有股東之住址證明

文件列表(後期) Document List post-Fund Setup:

  1. Certificate of incorporation 註冊成立證書
  2. Memorandum and Articles of Association 公司組織章程大綱及章程細則
  3. Register of Directors 董事登記冊
  4. Register of Members 股東登記冊
  5. For bank Account setup 供銀行帳戶設立(資金證明)
  6. Investor profile brief description 投資人簡要描述
  7. ID Proof of all directors 所有董事之身分證明
  8. ID Proof of all shareholders 所有股東之身分證明
  9. Address proof of all directors 所有董事之住址證明
  10. Address proof of all shareholders 所有股東之住址證明
  11. Detailed background information of applicants 申請人之詳細背景資料
  12. Fund flow diagram and assumed structure chart 基金流程圖及預設基金結構圖
  13. AML representation letter 洗錢防制書面聲明
  14. Investment Management Agreement 投資管理合約
  15. Investment Advisory Agreement 投資顧問合約
  16. List of Authorized signatories 被授權簽名人列表
  17. ID and Address proofs of authorized signatories 被授權人之身分及住址證明
  18. Sample signatures of authorized signatories 被授權簽名人之有效簽名樣式
  19. Signed Account opening forms 經簽名之開戶表格
  20. Signed FATCA, W8Ben 驗證之真確副本


Scope of Middle and Back Office services for the Fund. From our understanding of the client's requirements, we propose the following services.